If You're Not Passionate, You're Missing Out
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"New Year, New Me!"
A lot of people, myself included, like to take the time during the beginning of the new year to reflect on life and our choices for the next 365 days. I'm not big on resolutions, but if there's ever a good time to start working towards a new goal, now seems as good a time as any.
In addition to holiday fun and travel, I've had the chance to work on some really fun projects that I'll be sharing here shortly (almost done, but not quite). During that time, it became even more clear to me that if you're not passionate about what you're working on, you're missing out.
It doesn't matter how tired I am or how much I'd rather be doing something else, when I'm working in my passions, the energy and motivation comes along for the ride. I've been up to 3AM, happily pushing through barriers. Even when I'm frustrated that something isn't working the way I expect, it's a different kind of frustration. And when I start the next day, I'm good to go, ready to keep pushing through and see even the smallest results.
Time and time again, I talk to people who are actively working in their passions, and it's amazing the kind of drive and commitment they have towards their goals. It's more than just trying to succeed in their careers or make more money. Part of it is just about the thrill of creating and doing something that intrinsically makes them feel accomplished.
Now I'm not saying that you need to go into work today and quit, but somehow someway, you've got to be incorporating your passions into your life. It's so easy to stay on your grind and focus on the things that you "have to do" to be a responsible adult.
Keep being a responsible adult, that's pretty important if you want to keep the lights on. But...make sure as you look towards the new year and the plans you're making for yourself, that your passions share a part of your life. Otherwise, you're missing out on some of the awesome untapped potential you have within you.
- Ryan