The Mission
The mission of Crazy Enough To Try is to Inspire, Motivate, Enable, and Celebrate passionate people.
Inspire: Provide the stories and information needed to inspire creative thought.
Motivate: Provide the fuel needed to get started on working your passion.
Enable: Provide the tools necessary to turn that initial action into a growing project.
Celebrate: Provide a platform for recognizing and acknowledging the passion projects of readers.
Whether you are early on in your journey, and just trying to figure things out, or you have a fully developed project, Crazy Enough To Try is your go-to resource for information and to connect with like-minded people.
If you're coming to Crazy Enough To Try for the first time, or haven't visited in a while, check out the posts below to get started.
How do I find my Passion?
- Shattering The Perception of Passion
- Lost and Found: Starting On The Path of Recognizing Passions
- 7 Signs You're Doing Something You're Passionate About
- What if I don't have a passion?
- Your Passions Are Not Unique, But You Are
How do I work my Passion?
- How Far Are You Willing To Take Your Passion?
- Work Smarter and Harder
- The Number One Killer of Dreams
- Thinking of quitting your job? Don't.
- Transitioning Careers to Work Your Passion
How Have Others Done The Same?
- Conversations on Passion: Miranda Aisling of Miranda's Hearth
- Conversations on Passion: Wade Roush of Xconomy
- Conversations on Passion: Ayah Bdeir of littleBits
- Conversations on Passion: Doug Menuez
- Conversations on Passion: Emily Worden of eThreads
Recommended Tools
Check out my recommendations for the best books (aside from Crazy Enough To Try of course!) and other tools to enable you to work towards living a passionate life.