Posts tagged Time
How To Ask The Right Questions and Get Better Answers

Time is of the essence. If you’ve ever asked a question in a meeting and half of the time is spent going over what you already know, or worse, something that is completely irrelevant, you know the feeling of having your time wasted. Time is money, energy, and progress, so having your time wasted is not acceptable.

Here’s how to ask the right questions to get you the answers you need quickly.

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How To Use Your Weekends Wisely

Most of us are pretty busy during the week. We're going to work or school, cooking, cleaning, taking care of our families, and taking care of ourselves (if we can find the time of course). So needless to say, me telling you to take on another activity is probably not what you want to hear. Who has the time?

However, one thing that has helped me push through more than one project when at my busiest was this:

Use my weekends wisely.

What do I mean by this? Let's take a step back first.

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Are Your Hobbies Killing Your Passions?

Most people who know me know that I am a gamer. I really like video games, and have played them for many years. Give me a few minutes and I could talk your ear off about some of the new titles that recently came out or the latest technologies being used to make games more lifelike.

Recently, I finished playing what was one of the longer games that I've played, and within the game there is a timer that keeps track of how long you've spent on this play through. As I took a final look at my time, I couldn't help but think.

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How I Use My Time Effectively To Work My Passions And Achieve My Goals

For those who know me, I'm always working on at least three things, if not more. Currently, I'm working full time as a strategy consultant, painting two websites (this one and, finishing up the second edition of Crazy Enough To Try (surprise!), and a host of other smaller activities.

I'm also trying to fit in time for fun, spending time with my girlfriend, family and friendships, and continuously learning. So the questions is, how do I do it?

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What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

It would be awesome if one day you figured out your passions and then the next were living the dream. Either entering a career you loved or starting a hobby that made you smile, it would be great if that's how things worked.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Often there's a bit of change involved. Passions take time, especially if you want to become good at them through practice. And there's always a bit of sacrifice. 

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Patience, Your Dreams Will Take Time

"I want my dream and I want it now."

That's really what we're saying when we rush to complete something we're passionate about in hopes of becoming successful.

I'm all for working very hard on what we're passionate about, but along the way there are bound to be hiccups and missteps. People will get in the way or plans won't work quite as well as they should have. It's going to happen.

Achieving dreams and building success from that desire to work a passion will take time. And unfortunately that's probably going to take more time than you think.

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Staying Committed To A Goal

When looking towards future goals (goals are often a side effect of discovering a passion), staying committed to them takes a bit of work. 

It will mean that you will have to work hard for quite some time, all the while, you'll have little to show for it but missed sleep, big dreams, and an unfinished project.

But that's the nature of hard work and dedication.

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Don't Miss the Sunset

Every day there is a sunset. Depending on where you live and the weather, on most days you could probably see at least a part of it.  And yet most of us don't take the time to make it a priority.

We've got things to do, people to see, a world to change. And that's great. No one ever changed the world by sitting on a bench and watching the sunset everyday. 

But that doesn't mean that we should never watch the sunset.

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